Comhgháirdeachas ó chroí leis an ngrúpai daltaí ó Rang 6 a ghlac páirt i gcomórtas badmantan le déanaí i gCeapach Choinn. Bhí lá iontach acu le Múinteoir Jeaic agus thángaíodar abhaile le bonn an duine. Ár mbuíochas le Waterford Sports Partnership as cuireadh a thabhairt don scoil páirt a ghlacadh san imeacht.
Congratulations to the group of sixth class pupils who took part in a badminton competition in Cappoquin recently, which was organised by Waterford Sports Partnership. They had a fantastic day and came home with a medal each from the competition. A big thank you to Múinteoir Jeaic and to Waterford Sports Partnership.