Baineann oideachas matamaiticiúil le sealbhú, le tuiscint agus le cur i bhfeidhm scileanna. Mar chuid de mhúineadh na Matamaitice i Scoil Gharbháin spreagtar na páistí chun dul i mbun plé, úsáid a bhaint as ábhair nithiúla, agus foghlaim ar shlí ghníomhach chomh maith le húsáid a bhaint as sainteanga na Matamaitice chun smaointe a chur in iúl. Leagtar béim ar ríomhaireacht ó bhéal, meastacháin agus scileanna i réiteach fadhbanna.
Tuigimid go mbraitheann forbairt mhatamaiticiúil an pháiste ar go leor taithí praiticiúil a bheith aige/aici chun coincheapa a bhunú agus a dhaingniú agus chun éascaíocht ina ngnáthúsáid laethúil a fhorbairt. Tógann páiste córas matamaitice bunaithe ar eispéiris agus ar idirghníomhaíochtaí leis an timpeallacht. Mar thoradh ar seo, tá réimse leathan de ábhar concréiteacha i ngach seomra ranga. Tugann sé seo deis do na páistí taithí a fháil ar láimhsiú agus ar úsáid nithe agus fearais go éifeachtach ar fud an chláir mhatamaitice. Oibríonn na páistí i mbeirteanna, i ngrúpaí agus ina n-aonar is iad ag forbairt na scileanna Matamaitice.

Mathematics education is concerned with the acquisition, understanding and application of skills. As part of our Mathematics teaching and learning in Scoil Gharbháin discussion, hands-on experience with materials, and active learning are encouraged as well as the development of mathematical language to share ideas and thinking. Emphasis is also placed on mental calculations, estimation, and problem-solving skills.
We understand and appreciate that the child’s mathematical development requires a substantial amount of practical experience to establish and to reinforce concepts and to develop a facility for their everyday use. Children develop a system of mathematics based on experiences and interactions with the environment. In this vein, we use a wide variety of Maths resources and manipulatives at all class levels. This provides children with an opportunity to manipulate and use objects and equipment constructively, an essential component in the development of both mathematical concepts and constructive thought throughout the strands of the mathematics programme. Classwork consists of working in small groups, pairs and individuals while developing Maths skills and concepts.